Golden8bits Fantasy ConsoleBuy Now

Golden8Bits is a software that offers a simple and intuitive interface, where users can create a video game without touching a line of code, abstracting from the process of integrating multiple work platforms.

The software includes the possibility of creating graphics, levels, animations and we are working to add music / sound creation too; all in the same environment. No programming knowledge is needed.

We always wanted to have a comprehensive tool to channel our ideas in a fast and fun way without having to resort to several softwares, from there the idea of ​​golden8bits was born. A development environment for everything. We do not aim to compete with big development engines, but give the possibility to quickly create a sketch, mockup of a pixelart 8bits style game.

Create a video game entirely without touching a line of code!


Splash Screen

There are 3 options in the splash:
  1. Click to play the game.
  2. Click to edit the game.
  3. Click to config the cartridge.

Config Cartridge Window

Config cartridge:
  1. The clear button reset the cartridge.
  2. Canvas to edit icon.
  3. Field to edit name.

Edit Mode

The edit mode have 5 primary windows:
  1. Level editor
  2. Pixel editor
  3. Animator
  4. Text editor
  5. Assets lib

Level Editor

Level editor window

The first window is the level editor, its top bar have several buttons.
  1. These buttons change the type of tiles.

  2. Click to test the current level.

  3. Open a color picker to change the background color.

  4. On this bar you can switch between levels and create new ones.

  5. Save your current level change.

  6. While this button is active you can drag the level upwards, downwards, forwards and backwards.

  7. Delete the current level.

Level painting

To paint tiles on the level just press the left mouse button. Erase the tile with the right mouse button.

Pixel Editor

Pixel editor window

This window have 3 sections:
  1. A button bar.
  2. The color pallet.
  3. Canvas.

Button bar:

  1. The first button is a toggle to select the type of tile:

    • Background tile.

    • Collision tile.

    • Breakable tile.

  2. This second button erase completely the canvas.

  3. Click to save the tile.


Animator interface

This window have 3 sections:
  1. Tool bar.
  2. Frame bar.
  3. Library of animations.

Tool bar:

  • The delay bar, change the frame rate animation.

  • Click to create a new frame.

  • Click to delete the current frame.

Frame bar:

  • The left image show the animation.
    click to play animation

  • All the right images show the frames.
    double click on any frame to edit

Library of animations:

  • Click on any frame to play animation.

  • Double click on any frame to edit.

  • Click on the "+" frame to create new animation.

Text Editor

Text editor window

Bar content:

  • Save changes

  • Change between "text editor" and "select text" windows

Select text window

Bar content:

  • Create new text.

  • Double click on any text file to open and edit.

Assets Lib

Assets Library

The assets library tiles change acording to the level editor.
  • Create a new tile.

  • Click on the tile to paint on the "Level editor" window.

  • Double click to edit the tile on the "Pixel editor" window.

Blog Daily Notes

Final levels

Now that we have a beta of g8b our new goal is to create a little game on the fantasy console with a lot of levels, characters and items. This will make a easy learn curve for the user. To look at the mechanics and already entities created, thats what we hope.

15 03 18

Trying new tiles

Pixel by pixel the fire level its finally here. I just need more enemies for this part of the map and all will be good to go!.

We still dont know if the fire theme will be the final theme (green, rocks, dark, fire). Maybe an hour of game play is what it takes to show all mechanics that can be created on g8b.

Looking forward now finally for music composition, sound effects and maybe a new intro for the game trailer.

14 03 18